Sunday, 25 October 2015

PDF⋙ Bear-ly There by Rebekah Raye

Bear-ly There by Rebekah Raye

Bear-ly There

Bear-ly There by Rebekah Raye PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

* Moonbeam Award, Environmental Issues *

What do you do when there's a bear in your backyard? A big black bear shows up one moonlit night and creates a real ruckus, first breaking into the shed where the grain is kept for the geese (who aren't too happy about it), then raiding the bird feeders. The bear is also causing problems at other homes in the neighborhood, getting into the trash and compost and eating dog food that was left out overnight.

One neighbor offers to shoot it. Another one suggests calling the game warden to have the bear tranquilized and relocated. But the child among them knows what is best. A bear belongs in the woods, he says, but how can he convince the bear? Together with the adults he clears the yards in the neighborhood of any food that would tempt the bear. His dad comes up with a good idea for warning the bear away--and it works!

BEAR-LY THERE shows that it's always best for the bear if it stays in the woods, away from humans. An occasional glimpse of a bear through the trees or at the far side of a meadow is much, much better than having one in the backyard--for us and for the bear.

Color throughout

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