Thursday, 22 May 2014

PDF⋙ Atomic Ranch: Design Ideas for Stylish Ranch Homes by Michelle Gringeri-Brown

Atomic Ranch: Design Ideas for Stylish Ranch Homes by Michelle Gringeri-Brown

Atomic Ranch: Design Ideas for Stylish Ranch Homes

Atomic Ranch: Design Ideas for Stylish Ranch Homes by Michelle Gringeri-Brown PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Atomic Ranch is an in-depth exploration of post-World War II residential architecture in America. Mid-century ranches (1946-1970) range from the decidedly modern gable-roofed Joseph Eichler tracts in the San Francisco Bay area and butterfly wing houses in Palm Springs, Florida, to the unassuming brick or stucco L-shaped ranches and split-levels so common throughout the United States. Authors Michelle Gringeri-Brown and Jim Brown, founders and publishers of the popular quarterly Atomic Ranch magazine, extol the virtues of the tract, split-level, rambler home and its many unique qualities: private front facades, open floor plans, secluded bedroom wings, walls of glass, and an easy-living lifestyle. From updated homes with high-end Italian kitchens, terrazzo floors, and modern furniture to affordable homeowner renovations with eclectic thrift-store furnishings, Atomic Ranch presents twenty-five homes showcasing inspiring examples of stylish living through beautiful color photographs, including before and after shots, design-tip sidebars, and a thorough resource index.

Atomic Ranch reveals:

Hallmarks of the ranch style

Inspiring original ranch homes

Ranch house transformations and makeovers

Preservation of mid-century neighborhoods

Adding personality to a ranch home

Yards and landscaping

Plus, a helpful resource section and index!

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